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Outstanding Senior Award

Purpose: Each year, the College of Liberal Arts Alumni Board presents an award to an outstanding senior from each of the departments in the College and one from the Interdisciplinary Programs. The Department Head or designee selects the student whose name is presented to the alumni board for approval. The student selected by the Department of History will also receive a book and his or her name on a plaque which is displayed in the department, as well as be honored by the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts.

Criteria and selection: Selected by the Department Head or designee and presented to the alumni board for approval, the nominee must be a history major who has achieved academic success and demonstrated a commitment to his or her major. The student must have balanced an academic load with extracurricular activities and/or a job, while demonstrating leadership ability. The student will graduate any time during the current academic year.

Apply: Department of History Undergraduate Awards Application

Deadline:  Materials must be received by January 26, 2025.

Questions: Contact O.T. Ford, Academic Program Manager: